Saturday, November 16, 2019

Intelligence Fusion: The Race Against Time...

 Human intelligence may be the most sought after way to prevent new threats to your organization.

Yet that is never enough to give you total peace of mind. You have to implement multiple collection points for real-time and relevant information.

The front line of intelligence analysis begins far in advance of the actual event or incident taking place. Companies like "Quid" have provided some of the tools to detect the presence of new and relevant information in the hundreds of millions of active web sites across the Internet.

You may also see Dataminr in the corporate Security Operations Center (SOC) and even the local Fusion Center for more Real-Time information.

They assist CxO's in navigating their operational risk strategy execution across a competitive and increasingly threatening global landscape.

The fusion of intelligence from the Internet and broadcast media requires not only sophisticated software, hardware and talented Intelligence Analysts, it requires good old fashioned investigative tactics. And when you combine all of these to create the closest version of reality, then you have found true "Integrity."

Keeping information truely confidential is a difficult task. Assurance that the information will be there when you need it, is also equally important. Yet it is the "Integrity" of the information that we are in constant pursuit of.

Data fusion involves the exchange of information from different sources—including "John Q. Public" with his mobile phone, Ring and other IoT sensors, Law Enforcement, Public Safety, and especially the Private Sector—and, with analysis, can result in meaningful and actionable intelligence and information.
In a wide-ranging hearing on the myriad threats to the U.S. homeland, from white supremacist terrorists, border security, school shooters, and cyber attackers, the director of the FBI gave a glimpse of how the agency is using technology to blunt one of those threats.

FBI Director Christopher Wray, testifying before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, said his agency has implemented a new threat-sharing capability on its Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal (LEEP).
The fusion process turns this information and intelligence into actionable knowledge. Fusion also allows for relentless reevaluation of existing data, in context with new data in order to provide constant updates.

The Private Sector is still the biggest challenge. Trusted relationships need to be continually fostered. New mechanisms for public-private coordination are consistently being discussed.

Fusion Center's are not the only answer. It still remains a significant piece of a very complex operational security challenge, that we will be facing for still years to come...

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