Saturday, February 01, 2025

Team Learning: Innovation Navigators...

The discipline of “Team Learning” has been present with sports and education, corporations and small businesses since the collaboration of people who have engaged in mutual dialogue.

“In a remarkable book, Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations, author Werner Heisenberg argues that “Science is rooted in conversations. The cooperation of different people may culminate in scientific results of the utmost importance.” By Peter M. Senge The Fifth Discipline - The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization page 238

How will you excel into the future and continue to learn within the ranks of your particular organization?

  • By sitting in a classroom?
  • By watching a lecture?
  • By working alone on a project?
  • By creating outcomes without any potential beneficiaries feedback?

Before the “Learning Organization” was born, these kinds of activities and behaviors were the key ways people were educated and taught new skills.

As time passed and the benefits of “Team Learning” began to evolve, each participant was proactive in several key behaviors and activities.

After discovering the benefits of mutual dialogue and discussion with small groups of people who could actively participate together, the “Learning Organization” was launched.

How might you and your team of fellow leaders work together to learn from each other?

You see, if you are engaging in a true dialogue with trusted colleagues in a small group there are tremendous advantages in creating collaborative hypotheses.

The hypothesis building together creates the pathways and navigation for innovation.

“Innovation Navigators” working side-by-side on the testing of a mutual question gives each other the opportunity to learn from the relevant expertise of each other. The IQ of the team is now greater than just the individual."

What journey will you now embark on with your “Learning Team?

A new solution. A new product. A new method. To solve what?

That is not up to you to start the process.

It shall rely upon the answers from potential beneficiaries and how effective you are in asking questions with others on your team.

What is the problem to be satisfied? What is the problem to be solved?

Once your team truly knows the problem-set, the “Team Learning” shall begin…