Saturday, September 21, 2024

RENS: Growing Your Enterprise...

 There he was, in the early morning light, prancing along outside the fence line just seventy-five feet away.

The young “Buck Deer” with his adolescent antlers stopped and glanced over at the house, just to acknowledge that he saw us sitting on the deck.

As Fall arrives and kids are back in school, it seems as if the pace of work and the demands on peoples time starts to take its toll. Be aware.

Years ago, as some wise people developed the systems and programs around the acronym RENS, they knew from years of experience on the front lines of true battle why it was so vital to success:

  • Recruiting
  • Education
  • Networking
  • Sharing Information

This is the high level context for what your daily activities shall be focused on each day, of each week of each month this year.

"How might you design your program, your systems, your time allocations towards these four key components of your enterprise?"

The original designers knew that each organization is unique and therefore, provided an acronym to keep you on track. Easy to remember, harder to implement effectively on a consistent basis.

If you advertise as one example, for a particular event and you ask people to RSVP, how do you respond after they fill out your form, full of personal contact details?

If they actually attend the event and take the time to see and hear all about your X or Y, how do you respond after they leave and think about what they heard and experienced at your event?

Do you follow-up or do nothing?

At a recent weekly event the guest speaker and very wise man broke down the Recruiting part of RENS to further to three simple steps:

  • Belong
  • Believe
  • Behave

First, if you haven’t created an event where people immediately feel like they belong there, that you too believe in many of the same things they do, you will have a rough time ever getting to the last “B”.

How might you get other people to behave in a certain way?

The tough part about RENS is, that if you are not executing 100% on the effectiveness of your “Recruiting”, how will you ever get the opportunity to Educate, Network and then Share truly vital Information?

Perhaps even more difficult, how will you ever get good people to join your "Just Cause"?

As the “Young Buck” glanced back at us one more time as he went around the tall Spruce tree, we smiled and waved…