Saturday, May 25, 2024

Memorial Day 2024: "Always be Ready"...

In America, our Memorial Day is a holiday to remember. A day to reflect on all those Americans who have died fighting for our freedom.

Growing up the young son of a U.S. Marine, our home always had our flag flying on Memorial Day.

Yet it wasn’t until a relocation 30 years later, that took our own new family to Northern Virginia and that provided the real understanding of this remembrance day and for it to truly sink in.

Then as a grown adult, walking through Arlington Cemetery toward the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” on a May weekend in 1997 with our daughter (8) and son (7), we could feel the real emotions of it come forth.

Seeing a sea of gravestones walking up the path gave us a better understanding of our service members and their ultimate sacrifice, it was also enhanced by watching the “Changing of the Guard” ceremony.

Overlooking the beautiful grounds facing towards the distant Washington Memorial and overlooking our Nations Capital from that hill in Arlington, Virginia is just so epic.

As our tears were quickly wiped away, looking at the sunrise East on that early morning, the jets from Reagan Airport roared in the background.

As an American, someday you too, must do the same.

How can you begin to truly appreciate the historical journey we have endured as a nation, preserving your freedom and our way of life in America?

The fallen have helped ensure your ability to grow up in a country like no other. A place where you might see your own children find their destined path in life, with all the opportunities that lay before them.

Walking that day among the headstones and almost a decade later, while attending a burial ceremony of a colleague in Section 60, it really hit me.

"Watching an officer hand a folded U.S. Flag to Neal’s Mother that sky blue day, was a vivid reminder of why we are so blessed to be born in these United States of America and protected by such brave Americans of allFirst Responders."

On this Memorial Day 2024, look at our U.S. Flag waving in the wind, think about just those buried on the 624 acres of Arlington and now multiply that, across all of the other Veterans Cemeteries in America.

With such brave Men and Women to defend us over our nations 248 years, to preserve our way of life, in your own home town, we are so very grateful.

Thank you...Godspeed!