Sunday, October 02, 2022

New Arrival: Curious Destinations...

When is it time to initiate a new strategic change in your future path of direction?

If you are feeling the calling away or the ambition to take on new challenges, then make your course correction with little hesitation. Your new arrival.

Listen to your heart and the future that lies just over the next horizon in front of you. Give those others who you have coached and instructed for so many years, the opportunity to step into your leadership role.

This alone will spawn a few new and challenging opportunities for change and true innovation. How will you really know when you arrive?

By using your personal keen sense of observation and asking so many questions of your peers and new colleagues, you shall find your future.

While leaving many of the past challenges you were solving over the last years, now the use of your proven methodologies and substantial training will provide you with the future insights you will now require.

You will know that you have arrived at your new and intended destination, when the feeling of joy and sense of anticipation is so present and exciting.

Have you noticed how curious you have now become again?

Heading towards the unknown and taking the turns you have never navigated before this very moment.

Now start to imagine, what it will look and feel like when you are finally there, when you have finally arrived.

Look around and take in the new and exciting unfamiliar environment now appearing before you.

Cherish the positive and now such rewarding outcomes from your evolving solutions, from your active presence and your continuous learning.

"In America, we celebrate the virtues of the quiet hero--the modest man who does this duty without complaint or expectation of praise; the man who listens closely for the call of his country, and when she calls, he answers without reservation, not for fame or reward, but for love." 
John McCain - This I Believe 

Be well. We will see you on the other sideā€¦