Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christmas 2019: Look Around and Look Up...

"Let the true light of Christmas shine bright through you. You have received the greatest gift of all."
As your unique holiday season surrounds you this week, what will you be saying to yourself?  Why are you so joyful?  Who will you be celebrating with, as we sing together?

This time, of each year, we have the opportunity to reflect.  To Remember.  To Give.  To Pray.

As you look around the room at some gathering point, focus on why we all traveled to come together.  Are you a Mother or Father, a Son or Daughter, Brother or Sister, an Aunt or Uncle, a Grandfather or Grandmother?  Or just a Friend.

Think about where your life has taken you so far.  Yet wonder, about the future and what is next for you.
"Who among mortal men are you, good friend? Since never before have I seen you in the fighting where men win glory, yet now you have come striding far out in front of all others in your great heart..." --Homer, The Iliad
As you transcend through the thoughts and emotions of your journey so far, "Look Up"...
