Saturday, February 09, 2019

Givers: The Master Plan for Grit...

"Of course, natural talent also matters, but once you have a pool of candidates above the threshold of necessary potential, grit is a major factor that predicts how close they get to achieving their potential. This is why givers focus on gritty people: it’s where givers have the greatest return on their investment, the most meaningful and lasting impact."  Grant Ph.D., Adam M.. Give and Take (p. 106). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
This quote is in chapter 4, Finding the Diamond in the Rough - The Fact and Fiction of Recognizing Potential.

Having passion and perseverance in any endeavor is worthwhile.  In this chapter of Adam Grant's book, he is talking about "Givers".  You will have to read the book to better understand the research of 30,000 people behind who you are and the difference between "Givers and Takers".

Flashback to your early years as a kid in elementary school.  Now think about all of the activities and endeavors your parent(s) had you involved with, in or outside the classroom.  Were you involved in the scouting or other after school activities?  What about your local church or synagogue?  Maybe your parents were even Boy or Girl Scouts themselves?  Did they achieve "Eagle" or the "Gold Award"?

Flashback to your years in Middle and High School.  Were you involved in Sports Teams or maybe the Marching Band?  Or perhaps the more academic or creative teams like "Debate" or the "Thespian Club".

What about in University or College?  Did your passion and perseverance for sports or other skill-building endeavors, keep you gaining more of what is called "Grit", a firmness of mind or spirit, unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger.  Were you able to graduate within 4 years and then obtain a decent job or commission to start your career?

If you accomplished all of this and are now well on your way to discovering and building a life full of rewarding experiences, you probably need to say "Thank You".  To your Mother, Father, Teacher, Boy/Girl Scout Leader, Coach, Commander or Professor.  They are the ones that got you to where you are today.

Yet if someone ever calls you a "Diamond in the Rough" you should consider that a complement.

And you should also consider what they meant by that reference.  It means that they as a "Giver" who focus on gritty people, have found what they are always searching for.  They have recognized that you too are someone that stands out, that has the knowledge and the skills and that extra perseverance they are always in search of.

You may be wondering when your time will come.  When you will finally feel like you have "Made It" in life.  That you are truly happy.  Guess what, you are not there yet...


It is because you have not reached all of your potential, designed just for you.  The "Master Plan" for you is unique and you must realize that there is no visible finish line.  There are only more opportunities, tests, more challenges, significant success and substantial road blocks.

Being a "Giver" in your life means that you seek a path that puts you in pursuit of others just like you.  You know when you have found your Tribe, your calling and you know that they will be there to help you through the tough times and to persevere.

Now it is time, for you to contribute.  Your knowledge.  Your skills.  Your passion...yet do not fear asking for help.  The "Givers" in your community are searching for you now...
