Saturday, July 28, 2018

Certainty: Solutions for an Unpredictable World...

As the moon rises on a distant horizon, vital leaders across our globe are gaining new strategic foresight to continuously adapt their enterprise.

The future horizons in the mid-2000's are now on their mind and for good reason.  All of us are operating at increasing speed, in an unpredictable world:
What is the certainty that the Operational Risks in the next 20 years, will be a replay of the variety and spectrum of loss events we have witnessed in the past 18 years.  The difference is that they are accelerating.  What have we learned?  What are we doing about it?  How are we changing?  Why?

Solutions for resilience in motion in our "Unpredictable World" span the domains of people, processes, systems and external events.  Operational Risk Management (ORM) is a discipline that can be applied in most any size enterprise including government.

When you are seated around the meeting room with your leadership team, what do you see?  People who are in charge of teams, business units, departments, subsidiaries, portfolio investments and other assets of the enterprise.  You are counting on them to be prepared, to be predictive and to be proactive.  Are they?

You see, after all of the lessons learned and the After Action Reports (AAR) have been written and published, it seems to come back to the fundamentals.  It is history repeating itself.  Will our future world continue to be unpredictable?

If you said yes, then what are you doing about it?  Let's go back to that group of leaders sitting around the conference table.  Who have they engaged outside your enterprise to back them up to help them be more prepared, predictive and proactive?

The truth is, that you are behind the solutions curve.  Even your simple, yet effective Business Continuity Plan is outdated and gathering dust on the bookshelf.  The crisis team is far too preoccupied with the next news story or "Tweet," that may have an impact on the stock price.
The truth is, our unpredictable world is actually certain and we only have a limited amount of time until the next crisis, to prepare and adapt...