Saturday, March 16, 2019

Private Sector Mentoring: Operational Risk Specialists to the Rescue...

The international spectrum of Operational Risk Management (ORM) is playing out before us on a global stage.  Nation states and the airline industry are in full crisis management collaboration.

And while all of this, is distracting our attention, the operational risks associated with volatility on a financial world stage continues to unfold.

What will the future hold for global business commerce and the military personnel transitioning from regions of conflict? Syria. Yemen. Iraq. Afghanistan.

This is where our next generation of "Operational Risk Specialists" will come from, to assist us in our most challenging future of global incidents, crisis and humanitarian requirements.

Yet these men and women will be competing in an economy that is ultra-competitive. There are however, innovative ways for us to hedge the risks for future U.S. veterans as they look for their next mission in the private sector. The first step is an old and very effective method called mentoring:



1. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.

2. an influential senior sponsor or supporter.

verb (used without object)

3. to act as a mentor: She spent years mentoring to junior employees.

verb (used with object)

4. to act as a mentor to

1740–50; after Mentor (Greek Méntōr )

Related forms

men·tor·ship, noun

1. adviser, master, guide, preceptor.

It would be in the best interest of the private sector in a world that is challenged by so much change, volatility and uncertainty to have a cadre of "Operational Risk Specialists" who are there at a moments notice.

Working 24 x 7 in concert with all critical business functions, to enhance the resilience of the enterprise. Yet it will take thousands of mentors to assist these veterans, as they transition to this important role and mission.

Are you a CxO that relies now on a small team of risk minded people, tasked with your supply chain, personnel security, information security, facilities or even insider incidents? You are the perfect catalyst to get a new program going at your organization.

Begin the process of identifying and tasking the right people in your organization, to be mentors for the new "Operational Risk Specialists," that you should hire over the next few years.

What would happen, if you created a whole new way for you to mentor, hire, mentor, train, mentor and grow, a new generation of risk management professionals for your organization?

How might the performance and the resiliency of your enterprise improve, with the ongoing mentoring of veterans as they begin to understand the business of the private sector. A different and yet similar environment for the management of operational risks.

Your vision should be to create a "VetAccelerator" for each of your organizational business units. To engage mentors with new veterans returning and transitioning from almost 2 decades of war.

We have done this before in our U.S. history and it will not be the last. Let all of us embrace the opportunity to strengthen our business engine and to improve our resilience in the new world order.

Finally, never forget how all of this latest chapter started. And how it still continues to play out on a daily basis. Our vigilance is an imperative and veterans will be our Go-To "Operational Risk Specialists" for years to come.