Saturday, July 20, 2019

Whole Community: OPS Risk Spectrum...

Operational Risk Management is a discipline that comprises a spectrum of "All Threats and All Hazards." A "Whole Community" approach to the nexus of national security, economic security and the entirety of our citizens.

The resilience factor in your private sector organization or the entire nation, will consistently be tied to the weak links in your preparedness:
  • Prevention
  • Protection
  • Response
  • Mitigation
  • Recovery
One of these five aspects will be your nemesis, when the next incident or catastrophic event touches your company, city, state or country. These are an increasingly interdependent ecosystem that determines your resilience factor. What business units, neighborhoods, counties or states are your weak links?

With every global event, whether it be the Active Shooter/Terrorist attack, Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes, Fires or Oil spills, the local community has a 72 hour window that will dictate it's destiny.

Three days that will set the tone and the direction for the remaining weeks, months and years of recovery.

Time and time again we are reminded how important an effective security posture must be, before the "Whole Community" can begin to operate effectively. So what is the most effective system that focuses on people and not necessarily just a single process?

What are the correct steps soon after the event unfolds? The answer lies with the subject matter experts (SMEs) who time and time again, have been at the zero hour or day of the incident itself:
  • Security
  • Medical
  • Water
  • Shelter
  • Food
  • Counseling
Human behavior is an unpredictable factor. It can impact everything in terms of the speed and quality of post incident response. Without security, the first responders that perform medical triage will be reluctant and in harms way to treat those who may have a greater likelihood to survive.

This cascades into several discussions that we know are hot for debate. What if the first responders are your fellow tenants on the floor above you, or the office building next door? Not the professionals from the local fire or police department.

"Citizen First Responders" (CFR) are your organizations front line Operational Risk Managers.

They are the individuals who will have the "Ground Truth" and will be required to make the hard and fast decisions on what needs to be secured, who needs to be saved and where to establish incident command.

How many CFR's are ready in your organization today? Your business park? Your neighborhood? Who is in charge of security? This list goes on...

Post Incident, it all begins from the ground up with people who want to be more active as a "Citizen First Responder" that are given the programs, tools and training. Here are just three facets of the different types of CFR's that exist:
The list of Non-Government organizations (NGO), Faith-based (FBO) organizations and others that exist is exhaustive. Like most everything, you have a pyramid where only a few rise to the top to become the most effective; because they truly understand the discipline of Operational Risk Management (ORM). 

Yet security is still the concern of any civilian-based personnel and population even today.

Where is the weak link in your Operational Risk spectrum?