If you are like us, we see some real "nuggets" of intel in these searches. One observation is that Operational Risk is diverse and it's facets are complex. The interdependencies of people, processes, systems and external events combined with the legal implications makes this discipline ever more sought after in the ranks of enlightened institutions.
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So why would somebody be looking for information on plausible deniability risk mitigation?
Over a year ago Bruce Schneier had this to say:
So what? Why would an Operational Risk Professional be concerned about a USB token that leaves no trace on the machine it's plugged into? We think you get the big picture here. So are there any other nuggets of intel worth exploring in this latest list of searches?Deniable File System
Some years ago I did some design work on something I called a Deniable File System. The basic idea was the fact that the existence of ciphertext can in itself be incriminating, regardless of whether or not anyone can decrypt it. I wanted to create a file system that was deniable: where encrypted files looked like random noise, and where it was impossible to prove either the existence or non-existence of encrypted files.
This turns out to be a very hard problem for a whole lot of reasons, and I never pursued the project. But I just discovered a file system that seems to meet all of my design criteria -- Rubberhose:
Rubberhose transparently and deniably encrypts disk data, minimising the effectiveness of warrants, coersive interrogations and other compulsive mechanims, such as U.K RIP legislation. Rubberhose differs from conventional disk encryption systems in that it has an advanced modular architecture, self-test suite, is more secure, portable, utilises information hiding (steganography / deniable cryptography), works with any file system and has source freely available.
The devil really is in the details with something like this, and I would hesitate to use this in places where it really matters without some extensive review. But I'm pleased to see that someone is working on this problem.
Next request: A deniable file system that fits on a USB token, and leaves no trace on the machine it's plugged into.
What about Business Crisis and Continuity Management (BCCM)? When it comes to a crisis, there are numerous sources that impact your Operational Risk Strategy:
The many sources of significant loss events are changing as we speak. Here are a few that should not be overlooked:So what? Boards of Directors have the responsibility to insure the resiliency of the organization. The people, processes, systems and external events that are constantly changing the operational risk landscape become the greatest threat to an enterprise. It’s the shareholders duty to scrutinize which organizations are most adept at “Continuous Continuity” before they invest in their future. Hopefully you understand that the operational risk spectrum is wide as it is deep. Keeping your fingers on the pulse of what people are concerned about could be as simple as this quick exercise in "search terms analysis."
· Public perception
· Unethical dealings
· Regulatory or civil action
· Failure to respond to market changes
· Failure to control industrial espionage
· Failure to take account of widespread disease or illness among the workforce
· Fraud
· Exploitation of the 3rd party suppliers
· Failure to establish a positive culture
· Failure in post employment process to quarantine information assets upon termination of employees