Thursday, January 13, 2005

People: Travel Risk Management...

This iJet advertorial explains many of the benefits of having a travel risk management provider for your global corporate executives.

"They were rushing to catch the overnight train and wondered whether that was a secure option. With the train leaving in five minutes, he asked if they should get on? He was advised to take the train only if the meeting was absolutely time-critical. If they took the train, he was cautioned to stay awake for the second half of the trip because people had recently been robbed, removed from the trains and beaten up after crossing into Macedonia."

Combining real-time intelligence with a focused surveillance and threat detection-training program is exactly what savvy corporate executives and Chief Security Officers are looking for from a single source. Personnel threat management is a prudent risk mitigation solution. This combination is one key strategy to mitigate the operational risks associated with key personnel in any global organization.

Without the application of survivability and surveillance skills with relevant intelligence, employees traveling in harms way will continue to be at significant risk. The CSO is responsible for getting the correct INTEL and even more important, making sure those employees can take care of themselves without having to rely on third party executive protection or outsourced security firms. Sometimes you just have to think and act on your own.

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