Wednesday, September 29, 2004

NFPA 1600 Tour...Will it come up short?

NFPA has announced that is has scheduled a series of workshops aimed at helping facility emergency managers understand and use NFPA 1600. The events will start in Miami in November and will be held in a dozen or so other major-city locations throughout the US over the span of a few months.

The question now is, who is going to attend and what is going to happen afterwards. A classic case of new standards and no action. The "What" known as NFPA 1600 is the new ANSI and National Fire Protection Association guidelines.

The standards are a taxonomy of common criteria for business continuity programs. In addition, it provides a list of resources within the fields of business continuity planning. Again, a worthy cause to get everyone on the same page. Now we have the "What". But do we have the "How"?

The tour is a great idea to create awareness. Now all we need to do is make sure that the owners of major infrastructure put it all into action. What needs to be done is always easier than how do it. The important step is to hire a reputable firm to guide your organization through the planning, execution and lessons learned of a Business Continuity or Disaster Recovery Exercise so that the next time it works even faster and is without major flaws.

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