U.S. Homeland Security Not Confirming New York Threat (Update3):
Dec. 19 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and New York City police said they have no information to confirm a threat to New York City reported by ABC News.
``The New York City Police Department has no credible intelligence pointing to a specific or imminent terrorist threat to New York City,'' Michael O'Looney, deputy commissioner for public information, said in a written statement.
The ABC television network earlier said U.S. intelligence has gotten information that New York is under what the TV network called a ``credible and imminent'' threat of a terrorist attack, possibly by a female suicide bomber. ABC cited unidentified ``sources'' in a report on its Web site. ABC said information was received through intercepted communications, and no specific target was identified.
In a later report, ABC said authorities are evaluating a ``surge of information'' related to possible threats to a number of U.S. cities including New York, Los Angeles and Washington, and that the credibility of the New York threat was still being weighed. In the threats to other cities, no mode of attack, specific cells or locations were identified, ABC said."