Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Virginia's Institute for Defense and Homeland Security -- July-August 2003 Newsletter

Virginia's Institute for Defense and Homeland Security -- July-August 2003 Newsletter
DHS Names Executive Committee
George C. Newstrom, Virginia's Secretary of Technology, and John O. Marsh, Jr., former Secretary of the Army, will serve as co-chairs of the IDHS executive committee. Additional members of the panel include current and former federal officials from defense or homeland security agencies, Commonwealth of Virginia cabinet and university officials, and industry representatives from research- and technology-intensive companies in Virginia. Members are as follows:

Steven Cooper, CIO, Department of Homeland Security (ex officio)
Michael Daniels, Sector Vice President, SAIC
Scott Erskine, Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI
John H. Hager, Assistant to the Governor for Commonwealth Preparedness
Peter Jobse, President, Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology
Hugh E. Montgomery, Jr., Executive Director, IDHS
John B. Noftsinger, Jr., Co-Chair, Virginia Research & Technology Advisory Commission, and Associate Vice President for Research, James Madison University
Suzanne Spaulding, American Bar Association
Charles Steger, Chair, Virginia Council of Presidents, and President, Virginia Tech
Belle S. Wheelan, Virginia Secretary of Education
Jim Wrightson, Vice President for Strategic Development, Lockheed Martin Corp.More