Today in Investor's Business Daily stock analysis and business news : "Firms' Newest Security Measure: Their Chief Governance Officers
It took Robert Lamm two weeks to drive up the East Coast and get settled for a new job as director of corporate governance at Computer Associates International. (CA) But during that time, his workload grew by miles.
'I think it was a two-week period during which the SEC issued more proposed regulations than it ever had in its existence,' Lamm said. 'I got here and said, 'Oh my goodness, I'm really behind the eight ball. I'm going to kill a lot of trees keeping up.' '
Jobs like Lamm's are hot now. More firms are hiring integrity watchdogs, now that corporate scandals have spurred tighter regulations and focused a spotlight on reputation. Some firms are adding a new high-level executive: the CGO, or chief governance officer."
Why does Mr. Lamm report to the General Counsel?