Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Security vs. Privacy: A Public Private Paradox...

If your are interested in what is on the minds of some of the PowerBase for information security and privacy you need to look no further. The comments and posts on Bruce Schneier's weblog tell the truth. His post on the Top Ten Privacy concerns from EPIC, (The Electronic Privacy Information Information Center)has created some very interesting points.

And to add to the concerns, comments and controversy is this:

Cyber Security Industry Alliance (CSIA), the only advocacy group dedicated to ensuring the privacy, reliability and integrity of information systems, today called on the federal government to assert greater leadership in the protection of our information infrastructure in 2006. Its release of the "National Agenda for Government Action on Information Security" identifies 13 specific actions required to improve information security for consumers, industry, and governments globally. As part of the Agenda, CSIA also provides a report of the government's limited progress in information security in 2005 and releases a new "Digital Confidence Index" that reflects the public's lack of confidence in our nation's critical infrastructure.

What is the paradox? The feds may need to show more leadership yet the private sector owns a majority of the critical infrastructure. Any lack of confidence should be an indicator that the private sector hasn't invested enough money and resources in information security and protection of our country's vital corporate assets.

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